Ready to smack adversity around, wrestle it to the ground, and force it to divulge it’s hidden pearls?

Pain, Power & Promise has all the tools you’ll need!

Pain, Power and Promise: 19 Ways to Turn setbacks Into Comebacks by Nannette Oatley Johnson

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One Simple Change…

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Yavapai Regional Medical Advanced Wound Care Center

For Nannette Oatley, a vibrant 22-year-old gymnast, athlete, and dancer, a snow-tubing accident left her body paralyzed and her dreams in pieces. Pain, Power & Promise is her story. It is an intimately candid portrayal written in conversational prose that reads like a Chicken Soup excerpt, a combination of autobiography, and a no-nonsense “help yourself” attitude.

In Nannette’s own words,

“The bubble of grace that had enveloped most of my life had violently burst, dropping me into a crucible; a place of severe testing that would require me to change. There in my trial by fire, I was compelled to examine the role of suffering for the first time from a personal and subsequent universal perspective. Over many months, I asked myself all the existential questions to find meaning in my suffering, and as I burrowed out of my emotional debris, I inadvertently discovered the antidote.

It was not a tangible something but an intangible force, the indomitable unstoppable drive of the human spirit that we call resilience. Resilience is the universal antidote to the inevitable adversities of life. Suffering is not going away; it is a fundamental reality of life, and we must learn how to enhance our resilience, not only to survive our pain but be transformed by it.”

Rave Reader Reviews

“Pain, Power & Promise might just change the way you look at your life and the world around you forever…it is the story of a remarkable journey.”

— Tom Rath, #1 New York Times bestselling author of How Full is Your Bucket

“Within pain is power. Within power is promise. Within promise is hope. And within hope is initiative that creates transformation. Nannette Oatley Johnson is an invigorating example of looking up and living onward. The road less traveled is universally embedded with precious gifts and Nannette’s journey within pain, power and promise paints a real life picture for living out loud in full-color. Read it, own it’s message and get after your life!”

— Jeff Olson, Two-Time U.S. Olympian, Three Time National Champion, Pan-American Gold Medalist, President of Well Nourished Worldwide

“Nannette exemplifies a life being lived beyond the parameters of limitations. Her undeniable personal resiliency is a true testimony to those who find truth in others. Her book personifies the secrets to living well. Her emphasis on creating pearls when life gives you a few grains of sand is casually powerful! Her blatant honesty, vulnerability and forthright nature has produced a book that we all can grow from. Abundance is all around us and Nannette has created an incredible strategy for those who are a bit lost as well as for those who don’t ever need to ask for directions!”

— Karin Korb, Two-Time Paralympian Diva

“Joseph Campbell defines a hero’s journey as beginning when a person crosses a threshold from the everyday world and begins a private survival ordeal with many tests and trials. After surviving the trials and returning to the everyday world, the hero comes back with new powers, knowledge, and talents for helping his or her fellowman. Nannette is an exemplary example of a heroic survivor who emerged from many physical and emotional trials stronger and better. Like many survivors of horrible accidents, her life is divided into quote “before” and “after.” Some injured people remained victims are never the same again. They withdraw from life, dwell on their losses, and find little happiness in the world they must live in now. Nannette, however emerged from her heroic journey more happy, enthusiastic, and joyous than before. Her account of her journey, how she survived, and what she learned is rich with valuable insights and guidelines. Anyone reading this book can gain the wisdom of a hero without having to go through all the same ordeals.”

— Al Siebert, Ph.D., Author of The Survivor Personality and The Resiliency Advantage

“Nanette Oatley Johnson has lived the talk and rolled the walk. Who better to share the visions and solutions for living a stronger, bolder, and more resilient life than a woman who has lived it with style, grace and victory? Presenting life lessons with humor, simplicity and integrity is her forte; whether from the stage, the radio or the written page.”

— Carol Ranoa, National Marketing Director, The Juice Plus+ Corporation

“I had the pleasure of working and competing with Nannette for many years. In my opinion, no one demonstrates any better how to live a successful life. The resilient skills she shares with her reader demonstrates her transcendence over living with a spinal cord injury and  provides us proven secrets to succeed. She reveals the qualities all of us can use, if we make that choice, to create a meaningful purpose-filled life. Pain, Power and Promise is engaging, compassionate and a must read.”

— Randy Snow, Four-Time Paralympian, Olympic Hall of Fame

“Through my terrible years of grief, change and transition, I struggled with little or no direction on how to overcome my situation. If I had had access to Pain, Power and Promise in my 41 years as a quadriplegic I’m convinced my recovery process would have come together much sooner. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is seeking insight of any kind regarding a catastrophic change or monumental loss in their lives.”

— Dr. David Vangorder, Psychologist

“Nannette is a warm and inspiring writer who captures the reader’s heart and soul with her personal testimony of growing and evolving through extreme challenges using her inner resiliencies. Everyone and anyone faced with a challenge will learn from Nannette’s work that one can truly re-create his or her own life and celebrate personal power regardless of past trauma. A wonderful resource!”

— Sharon Hamand, MA, LPC

Inspirational Speaker

Nannette has been entertaining audiences since she was six years old. Singing, dancing, and dramatic arts are a part of her DNA. She spent her childhood, middle and high school years performing until a broken neck sidelined her at age 22.

When you go from a stand-up person to a sit-down person in a moment in time, you are forced to reinvent yourself and find a new normal. Nannette did just that. So, it’s no surprise that she returned to the stage, as an author, psychotherapist and Inspirational Speaker. A life forged in suffering’s crucible, she gets it. She knows how to smack adversity around, wrestle it to the ground, and force it to divulge its hidden pearls.

As a keynote speaker, Nannette has captivated audiences large and small. She has given Keynotes at corporate gatherings, small businesses, churches, fellowships, women and men’s groups, schools, civic organizations and clubs, Toastmasters, rehab facilities, hospitals, and more.

Her topics include but are not limited to:

  • Win-Win Strategies for Calming Conflict in Stormy Relationships
  • Reluctantly Related: Specific Tools for Mother-in-Law/Daughter-in-Law Angst
  • How to Ditch Depression and Rekindle Hope
  • How to Transform Toxic Anxiety into Sacred Anxiety
  • Women and Boundaries: The #1 Issue
  • Compassion Fatigue: How to Avoid Burnout
  • Thoughts on Suffering and the Supposed Goodness of God
  • Making Sense out of Suffering
  • Pain’s Antidote: Ratcheting up Your Resilience in 3 Simple Steps
  • Forgiveness: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • From Tragedy to Triumph: 5 Winning Ways to becoming a Champion!

Not exactly the title you’re looking for, contact me for a customized speech and together, we will create it! I look forward to working with you.

What Others are Saying...

"Nannette Oatley is a woman of remarkable courage and unusual spirit. She embraces life in a wheelchair with fierce determination, glorious humor, and unwavering faith. Nannette¹s heart flows over with honesty, compassion, and good news. It is difficult to leave her presentations without being genuinely renewed and grateful for the gift of life."

- Dr. Peggy Natiello, Ph.D. Human Development, International Consultant in the Person-Centered Approach

"Nannette is one of the most dynamic speakers I know. Her life¹s journey is one of inspiration and courage. Her story is of determination and character. Her ability to tell her experiences instills faith in the triumph of the soul. There is no way you can leave her presentation without renewed confidence in facing all life has to bring. Nannette is, in a word, awesome."

-Hazel Bowman, Women In Networking, Director

"Nannette was a keynote speaker at our Annual Civitan Convention. Her topic, resilience, was both interesting and a 'hit' with our audience. She is an energetic and compelling public speaker, and I would urge your organization to contact her for your next gathering."

- Ward Topping, President Frontier Civitan Club

"Nannette Oatley's presentation at our recent convention was both inspirational and entertaining. I would happily recommend her to any audience, anywhere, anytime."

- CEO, Jay Martin, NSA

For Booking Information and Inquiries

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