by Nannette Oatley Johnson | Mar 31, 2023 | RESILIENT PSYCHOLOGY AND THEOLOGY
Dear Friends, Last month I introduced you to the Book of Nehemiah and wrote about broken walls and broken lives. Today, I want to follow up in Nehemiah, beginning in chapter one and sneak over into chapter 2 verse 10, where we are given a pattern with specific steps...
by Nannette Oatley Johnson | Mar 1, 2023 | RESILIENT PSYCHOLOGY AND THEOLOGY
Sound the Alarm! Blow the Shofar! Gather all of God’s people who will hear! This is the first prong of two where I feel compelled to make a big noise. I want to: Prod my brothers and sisters who are working hard and pursuing God’s highest; Disturb the backsliders who...
by Nannette Oatley Johnson | Feb 1, 2023 | RESILIENT PSYCHOLOGY AND THEOLOGY
Is the Bible, and thus Jesus, Political?And if so, Why Does it Matter? Lets begin with some definitions. Theology: The study of the nature of God and religious truth; rational inquiry into religious questions. Psychology: The science that deals with mental processes...