Love the McDonald’s commercial for the Ronald McDonald’s House Charities. Little kids are on a school bus looking inside their “Happy Meals”. One cute kid quips, “There’s something NEW inside your happy meal; it’s called Hope”. “Hope,” one kid asks. “I don’t see any hope” another kid states. All the kids are looking hard inside their happy meal boxes for “hope”. Finally the first kid says, “It’s not there (inside the box) but here.” The commercial flashes to a sign for the Ronald McDonald House charity. And the takeaway is: everytime you buy a happy meal some of the money goes to the charity. The same cute kid from the beginning of the commercial looks at the camera and says with a warm grin, “HOPE’S GOOD!”
Here’s the reason why I love the commercial. It depicts real life. You can’t see Hope. You can’t touch Hope. It’s not an object we can find. And yet….it is the very thing the Spirit longs for; the human soul must have, and the psyche needs to go on. Yup, HOPE’S GOOD. So, I’m starting a NEW video series, Pain, Power and Promise (based on my book) 19 Ways to Turn Setbacks into Comebacks. I HOPE to give you a nugget of truth, a pearl formed from your pain, every Tuesday when you subscribe to my Video Log. So join me here at or by the same name on my youtube channel.
P.S. Be sure to sign up for my monthly newsletter where I’ll recap my previous month’s vlogs, share some additional pearls and have some subscriber only goodies to share along the way!