7 Practical Ways to Infuse Hope and Restore Our Freedoms!

by | May 4, 2023 | RESILIENT RESPONSES | 0 comments

“Silence in the face of evil is evil itself: Not to speak is to speak.
        Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless.”     —Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Dear Friends,
The above quote by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy, was written in the midst of the horrors of Nazi Germany. Our nation is sliding into ever darker crevices of evil (read last month’s newsletter). Now is the time to intellectually wrestle with God and decide where you stand. Will we speak and will we act? Or by our silence, be complicit? We can no longer sit on the sidelines and “wait and see.” It will be too late by then.

The last two sentences Scott wrote me, “Now What? I’ve got to do something….but what?” and “Can you give practical advice on how to be involved” is my focus this month. Let me begin by reflecting and then I will close with 7 practical ways to infuse hope and strengthen our resolve. Along with all my other fellow citizens around the world, be they doctors, scientists, journalists, politicians, authors, moms, dads, grandparents, WE ALL WOKE UP! For me, it was a process as I started down a path of discovery, research and learning that led me to: Whooooaaaa.

My journey (of which my husband took part) began in 2020.
When Covid hit, we did what everyone else did; locked down, donned our masks and said, “What the hell is going on?” There was a flurry of emails and phone calls from friends, colleagues. lew’s military contacts, etc. all conversing on the subject. In particular, one young lady, studying for her doctorate in homeopathic medicine, whom we’ve known since she was 16, texted us, “I don’t want you guys to think I’m totally crazy but I’ve heard some things and seen some things from reputable sources, and I’ve always trusted your opinon, and I’d like you to look at these and tell me what you think.” That was when I first went down the rabbit hole. I can’t even tell you precisely what those first views and articles were about, but from there a steady snowball of people started sending me links. I watched video interviews from medical doctors, scientists, epidemiologists from around the world. I heard from trusted doctors whose books I’d read years earlier and then came across Dr. Pam Popper (whom I had been a speaker for at one of her Wellness Conferences in Ohio in the mid 2000’s) and knew her character: she was no quack. What they all had in common was a serious QUESTIONING OF THE NARRATIVE. (Lew was fairly certain early on that a bioweapon had been released; we just didn’t know if it was on purpose or accidental).

Next, friends began notifying me that all the scientific articles published on the ineffectiveness of masks were disappearing off the internet and I watched for the first time The Highwire. Del Bigtree’s guests, OSHA Certified Experts were outraged at mask mandates, as they were expertly trained on protocols and procedures of masking. From there, things just started to unravel. A conversation with my son reminded me that masking was a sign of subserviance and subjugation in many parts of the world and subsequently Dr. Aaron Kheriaty summarizes what we all intuitively felt, “prolonged use of masks inflicts spirtual harms; they wound our souls. Refuse to remain faceless any longer.” Lew and I, very early on, began to RESIST.

In July 2020, the courageous men and women who formed America’s Frontline Doctors stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and delivered their White Coat Summit, telling us there were repurposed drugs that we could use to fight Covid. They did what doctors have always done; how do we treat this? Instead, they were: DEPLATFORMED. CENSORED. CANCELLED.

In August 2020, the documentary Plandemic II: Indoctornation was live streamed to over 2 million people and we saw it shortly thereafter. Guided by the work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, alleges a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic. (when you click on the above link scroll all the way down until you see: Indoctornation with Dr. David Martin). IMMEDIATELY CENSORED. Was the PANdemic actually a PLANdemic? Event 201, 5 months before the bioweapon was released, certainly suggests the latter.

In September 2020, we were at a beach house overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I was engaged in a conversation with people ranging in age from 27 to 70, men and women, educations ranging from high school to post graduate, one guest an ICU nurse in CA toiling daily under the covid protocols, another guest exiting his military service as a U.S. Marine, all talking about nanobots, graphine oxide, the mRNA delivery platform, and what was possibly in the upcoming covid vaccines. Wait a minute. What????? Down the rabbit hole I went again. Once again I combed through various research and voices courageous enough to speak up, and learned about gene therapy modification through the mRNA platform they were calling vaccines. (this is all documented. Read Dr. Robert Malone’s book. He was the pioneer of the mRNA technology).

In October 2020, I was signing the Great Barrington Declaration created by Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, whose research suggested Focused Protection and the harms of lockdowns. CENSORED. (Subsequently 15 months later, Johns Hopkins University designed a study to determine whether there was empirical evidence to support the belief that “lockdowns” reduced COVID-19 mortality. ” A Literature Review of Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on Covid-19 Mortality” published in January 2022, concluded in the abstract “that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.” Did you hear about this study? Probably not. Spun right out of existence.

By the end of 2020 and well into 2021, I was now following a host of CANCELLED doctors, scientists, journalists, and ordinary folks who were trying desperately to show their truth and what they were discovering. Unlike the media, they were not dogmatic. They were humbly objective and skeptic in their own observations as they presented their hypothesis. I don’t have the early links but I saw sample vials from the contents of moderna and pfizer vaccines under a high degree of magnification and what I saw was chilling. More recent, are the numerous morticians, working in the industry for decades, telling their experiences with post-vaccine (2021—) embalming and having to spend double the time draining the blood from the bodies because of the long fibrous rubbery clots inside corpses. I was actually surprised just now to find the articles and photos still on the internet. Of course the fact checkers state these clots were showing up pre-vaccines. You decide.

My point in spending all of this time writing and taking you along my Awareness Journey circles back to my opening paragraph, “we can no longer sit on the sidelines. Now is the time to intellectually wrestle with God and decide where you will stand.”

Below are 7 Practical Ways to Infuse Hope and Restore Our Freedoms!

  • Prayer and supplication to our Almighty God, creator of Heaven and Earth.
    (May Amos 5:24 be just one of our many rallying crys)
  • Get Informed and Stay Informed! (If you haven’t switched from Mainstream Media to Alternative Media to find world news and information, DO IT NOW!)
  • Be Willing to go Down the Rabbit Hole into uncomfortable and unknown territory to explore what others (from different political parties, beliefs, mindsets, and the “censored”) are saying.
  • I strongly recommend you catch The Highwire. New weekly episodes are broadcast on Thursdays at 11:00 am PST. Catch it live or anytime after that on their website. Once you sign up on their website (name and email) you will receive an email notification of upcoming shows and the following Mondays they send all documented links from the show.
  • Get behind organizations that are fighting for our FREEDOMS and support them financially and STOP supporting agencies that you know don’t support your values.

Start developing a mindset of RESISTANCE. Did you know there are new medical codes that went into effect this year for covid-19 vaccination status? The ICD system was originally intended to classify diagnoses and reasons for visiting the doctor, NOT to track and conduct surveillance on the personal medical descisions of American citizens. Henceforth, when you are asked by your doctor or the hospital on your vaccination status, DO NOT COMPLY. Simply state, “I don’t believe that information is relevant.” When you are pressed, and you will be, here is another script, “I do not agree with the government tracking the personal medical decisons of American citizens.” Whatever you choose to say, prepare in advance, so you are not caught unaware.

IF YOU TRULY WANT TO DO SOMETHING see RED ALERT in my Resilient Recommendations Section below)


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"Nannette Oatley is a woman of remarkable courage and unusual spirit. She embraces life in a wheelchair with fierce determination, glorious humor, and unwavering faith. Nannette¹s heart flows over with honesty, compassion, and good news. It is difficult to leave her presentations without being genuinely renewed and grateful for the gift of life."


- Dr. Peggy Natiello, Ph.D. Human Development, International Consultant in the Person-Centered Approach

"Nannette is one of the most dynamic speakers I know. Her life¹s journey is one of inspiration and courage. Her story is of determination and character. Her ability to tell her experiences instills faith in the triumph of the soul. There is no way you can leave her presentation without renewed confidence in facing all life has to bring. Nannette is, in a word, awesome."


-Hazel Bowman, Women In Networking, Director

"Nannette was a keynote speaker at our Annual Civitan Convention. Her topic, resilience, was both interesting and a 'hit' with our audience. She is an energetic and compelling public speaker, and I would urge your organization to contact her for your next gathering."


- Ward Topping, President Frontier Civitan Club

"Nannette Oatley's presentation at our recent convention was both inspirational and entertaining. I would happily recommend her to any audience, anywhere, anytime."


- CEO, Jay Martin, Juice Plus+ ®

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